How to obtain a Certificate of Origin
Types of Preferential Certificates Available
There are upto seven (7) types of Preferential Certificate of Origin available to Ugandan exporters;
- The East African Community (EAC) Certificate of Origin
- Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Burundi
- The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Certificate of Origin
- All COMESA member states EXCEPT Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi for which the EAC Certificate of Origin MUST be used
- The Generalized System of Preference (GSP) Certificate of Origin – also known as Form A
- Japan, USA, Canada, Australia, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland
- All EU Member states
- China Certificate of Origin for Preferential Tarrif for LDCs
- India Certificate of Origin for Preferential Tarrif for LDCs
- Morocco Certificate of Origin for Preferential Tarrif for LDCs – also known as Annex III
- South Korea Certificate of Origin for Preferential Tarrif for LDCs
How to Obtain a Preferential Certificate of Origin
With effect from 01 July 2016 Preferential Certificates of Origin issuance was transferred to the International Affairs Desk - Customs Department, Uganda Revenue Authority. This desk is located at URA towers, Meza Nine floor, Nakawa - Kampala. The procedure for obtaining a Preferential Certificate of Origin is therefor as below.
- For first time exporters or applicants, you will be required to;
- Register as an Exporter with URA. Registration form can be obtained from the above office or downloaded below
- Return the duly filled Registration form to URA for necessary pre-export assessment and clearance
- Follow the process below to acquire a certificate of origin
- For already registered and verified Exporters;
- Present your commercial invoice to URA. Once cleared you will be provided with a blank copy of the applicable Preferential Certificate of Origin
- Duly fill out the provided Certificate and present it for endorsement to authorized URA Officer
- Leave a copy (triplicate) with the Issuing Office
Note: Exporter Registration and Preferential Certificates of Origin are free of charge
Issuance under the Uganda Electronic Single Window
In February of 2017, electronic issuance of Preferential Certificates of Origin commenced. To obtain these certificates electronically,
- Apply for Asycuda World User rights. To do this;
- Fill out the Asycuda World User Registration Form, obtainable from URA offices or downloadable below
- Attach a letter (on company letterhead and duly endorsed) nominating officer that will applying for certificates on behalf of the company. Note that the user(s) must be tax registered (has a TIN No.)
- Deliver the filled form and letter to the URA Office on UAP Building, Nakawa
Once granted the access rights, all submissions will be done online. Click here to go to the Customs System website.